I recently watched a YouTube video of Senator John Barrasso, Chairman of the 2016 Republican National Convention Platform Committee, being interviewed after the 2016 Platform was revised and published. He stated the Republican Platform Committee had 112 delegates, spirited, active debate under an open process and telecast on CSPAN for 8 hours for all the world to see. The Platform states the Party’s principles. I read the Republican Platform. It mentions God at least 10 times. It is very well written. It has pictures of the chairman and both co-chair women and lists the names of all 112 delegates, including 2 from each state.
In contrast, the 2016 Democratic Party Platform was put together by 15 unnamed people in secret behind closed doors and herded thru by Bernie Sanders. It is not written very well. It has no names of anyone who is responsible for it. It has no mention of God anywhere. Its universal theme is, “Government will handle all aspects of all citizens' lives”.
You can read the 66 page Republican Party Platform at the link:
https://prod-cdn-static.gop. com/media/documents/DRAFT_12_FINAL[1]-ben_1468872234.pdf
You can read the 45 page Democratic Party Platform at the link: http://s3.amazonaws.com/ uploads.democrats.org/Downloads/2016_DNC_Platform.pdf
Bill Snyder