The way I understood the article can be summed up that we are receiving 14 million dollars tax free money from the government. Something didn't seem to be right. At the core of their reasoning, this project would eliminate 59 septic systems as the culprit of higher levels of nitrogen in the water. Firstly, there is no possible way for septic tanks to be contaminating the water. Animal and human wastes are bi-products of this earth (in the sense of soil). Those byproducts are organic, which automatically subjects them to nature's filtering system after decomposition. Whether you are a creationist, or an evolutionist, every form of life emerged from our earth. Quite possibly, toxic contaminants are the reason for the elevated nitrogen, which is an inorganic material and bypasses nature's natural filtering system. Why not clamp down on illegal dumping of toxic chemicals and the general use of pesticides? Spending 7 million dollars on something that is not fact based is not the way to do business. I think if we took a poll in Jefferson County regarding the most urgent problem we have, it would not be a 7.1 million dollar sewage project. You could still spend some money upgrading the sewer systems, but I think that money would be well spent upgrading the needs of Jefferson County, and extremely important, upgrading the Humane Society's capacities to house more animals. Yes, there is a new building there, but the objective of the project was to house more animals, yet, after it was done, we have the same capacity as the previous shelter. The building looks great, but we didn't help the animals at all. Sorry I got off the track. What if we also completely refurbished the area by the I-10 junction? How about upgrade the motel with a pool, water slides, and a go cart track, etc? This would attract people necessitating other businesses to provide for the increase of jobs for more than 4 years. Would this not be a nice stop for tourists who just drove hundreds or thousands of miles once the word got out? The old cliche "If you build it, they will come". I think there are plenty of people out there who's priorities might be different than a new sewage system. The bottom line is, we will all be forced to pay for sewage. In actuality, they are raising our taxes. I base this letter on the information given to the county newspaper.
As an aside, is anyone other than me a little sick and tired of hearing people calling other people "racist" or "sexist" or any other "ist"? The Liberals are attempting to frame President Trump as a racist, sexist, and a bigot. The facts are the President has already made tremendous gains in the inner cities and has accomplished much more in one year than Obama did in eight.
Lawrence Beger
Monticello, FL