Early shopping opportunities are already flooding our lives. Halloween wasn’t over before the first Christmas merchandise was out. Christmas specials are already flooding our television sets, even though Thanksgiving is still a week away. After Thanksgiving traditionally starts a holiday shopping frenzy with Black Friday, although Black Friday deals are already springing up! More deals will follow through Christmas. With the hustle and bustle of the Christmas reds and greens heading our way, it’s easy to get blue.
I’ve always been amazed at the discoveries that science has come up with to add vitality and longevity to the life we live. Research has revealed that close relationships help extend our lives. Studies have shown that men who kiss their wives every day live five years longer than men who don’t. Good relationships are high-touch. Science has also shown that we need the equivalent of 17 affirming touches a day in order to thrive. Our world around us is starving. In the name of God, let’s help each other thrive by making sure that we share at least 17 appropriate hugs, touches or verbal affirmations each day with others.
Also, pet your pets. Pet your spouse, your children, your grandchildren, all your loved ones. Petting animals and loved ones lowers blood pressure.
In addition to reaching out and touching someone, studies have shown that variety does add spice to life. Try some new food. Take a new route to work or to the store. Try a new book of the Bible. Break your daily routine in some small way. Do something wild. Just let go and let God.
Whenever shoes are not an absolute necessity, go barefoot. A study reported a number of years ago in USA Today revealed that those individuals who habitually kick off their shoes under the dining table or their desk or their pew tend to live three years longer than the average American. Bare feet are aware feet: aware of the earth, aware of holiness, aware of life. Feet that are bound for too long begin to stink. Souls that are bound up and cooped up for too long begin to stink as well. Let some fresh air into your soul. Go barefoot.
And don’t forget to laugh a lot. A cheerful heart is good medicine, but a crushed spirit dries up the bones. (Proverbs 17:22) Take a break and do something silly. There’s holiness in humor. Laughter helps keep us from taking life too seriously. One research study revealed that over fifty percent of all illnesses in the test group were stress related. Laughter really is good medicine, especially when stress is concerned. The joy of the Lord is our strength!
So, hug frequently, go wild, go barefoot and laugh often. Do so, and you will find that you will not only have holiday in your life, you will have life in your holiday. This is the day that the Lord has made, let us rejoice and be glad in it!
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