Submitted by Mary Madison
The school year 2018, young ladies in grades six through eight at the Jefferson Somerset Middle High Charter school, implemented an influential, non-curriculum program, designed to inspire and empower these young ladies to be self-sufficient, confident, productive and focus-driven individuals, who will make a positive impact on their family, peers, community and the world.
Sponsor and English teacher, Ms. Sandra Greer, and the assemblage met and discussed the name for the group. The name S.T.A.R.S. was established-meaning Striving Towards Ambition Radiance and Success.
The participants conducted periodical meetings to discuss, plan and implement their activities and events. Their first invigorating activity was held on May 24, 2018-Spa Day. This activity focus was on developmental entrepreneurship. Various Vendors had rotation stations set up: Hair- dressing, Nail- polishing, Health-hygiene information; Fitness-taking care of the body-eating proper, exercising and hydration; and skin care.
The year 2019 was focused on Community Service. The activity's purpose depicted what Benjamin Franklin said: "Tell me, I might forget; Teach me, I might remember; but involve me, I will learn." Several S.T.A.R.S. members were involved in a service activity at the Jefferson Senior Citizen Center's Spaghetti Luncheon fundraiser. They served in several areas: Setting up tables and seating dine-in customers; assisted in serving meals and drinks to customers and center clients. They also delivered meals to drive-thru customers. This activity took place February 1st, 2019.
In 2020, the character building focus was toward-Recapturing a Forgotten/Lost Culture(Etiquette). The mission of this activity was to empower the young ladies in the knowledge of etiquette in its various ways-home, school and community. The main focus of the lesson was to view etiquette as a common sense action, linked to thoughtfulness of others, while making themselves attractive and easy to get along with.
To put their knowledge into action, the group, their parents and community servants and education advocates were rewarded with a " Young Ladies of Distinction Etiquette Tea," by The Madison Avenue For Kids Foundation, Inc. Founder, Sam Madison, Jr. on May 4, 2019.
The 2020 year began strong and with much excitement. The group began part two on etiquette, The Do's and Don'ts of Food Etiquette. But March of 2020, a halt was put on everyone and everything by the coronavirus pandemic. For over a year the S.T.A.R.S. have been silenced.
Sponsor Greer and other school personnel understood the devastating effect COVID-19 has placed on the students and the S.T.A.R.S. group emotionationally and mentally. So for the S.T.A.R.S. young ladies have begun participating in a Radiance Re-Charge Power Hour zoom activity. The focus is on the importance of learning about Stress. The different kinds of stress-everyday stress, tolerable stress, and toxic stress and how to manage each stressor. The S.T.A.R.S. are also focusing on the importance of having a mentor to call upon when stress overwhelms you. About
a dozen concerned individuals have volunteered to be