Laura Young
ECB Publishing, Inc.
Over the summer, the local community showed its firm support for reintroducing a Fellowship of Christian Athletes (FCA) club at Jefferson County K-12 (JCS) by funding enough scholarships to send 16 JCS students to the FCA Leadership Camp. FCA Metro-Director Kez McCorvey sent a note of personal thanks to the scholarship partners for their role in providing an amazing camp experience for the students. As a result of the summer camp, a significant corps of trained student leaders are now in place on campus, ready to form and grow an FCA Huddle at JCS!
The effort has a resounding endorsement from JCS Athletic Director Pat Kennedy, and Head Volleyball Coach Taylor Clemens has taken on the role of point person on the faculty for FCA at JCS. Now it's time to establish a local board that can help organize the new huddle's activities, such as weekly meetings on campus, a Fields of Faith gathering, a Game Day field trip to the FSU-Duke game on Oct. 21 and more!
Karen Brock Knox, a member of the regional board of directors for Northwest Florida FCA and longtime resident of Jefferson County, was instrumental in securing camp sponsors. She and her husband, professional golfer Kenny Knox, have been involved with FCA since the 1980s and are excited about the positive impact FCA will have on the school and the community it serves. With student and faculty leaders now in place at JCS, Knox is turning her attention to establishing a county board and finding groups to serve as weekly supporters.
Anyone considering serving on the local FCA board is invited to attend an informational meeting to be held 6:30-7:30 p.m. on Monday, Oct. 16, at the JCS District Office, located at 1496 W. Washington St..
Knox also is currently reaching out to groups across the county to sign up to take turns providing refreshments and interacting with students/teachers/coaches at weekly meetings of the FCA huddle at JCS. Any church, civic club, business or agency that is inspired to become involved with FCA in this way can call Knox at (850) 251-0158. If 12 groups step forward, Knox says, each one would need to sign up to support just two or three meetings in the school year.
“We are so fortunate in Jefferson County to have things like this where you are connected,” said Knox. “The more we can do to invest our time and love in the community, the return on that investment is a more successful community, more successful lives for these children.”
Fellowship of Christian Athletes has 19,431 certified huddles across 114 countries. The new club at JCS will provide a huddle opportunity not only for JCS students but also for students being homeschooled. In addition, community-wide events in Jefferson County will be coordinated for participation by the established huddle at Aucilla Christian Academy (ACA) and the new JCS huddle.
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