Debbie Snapp
ECB Publishing, Inc.
Crafty Ladies is a faith-based ministry of the Lloyd First Baptist Church, and there are several church women and their friends involved in this group. Usually, four to ten ladies will meet at 9:30 a.m. every Thursday morning at the long tables in the church's fellowship hall.
Fellowship, fun and a sense of achievement is the purpose of the special group of talented and crafty ladies.
"We're the hands of the church," says Charlotte Stevens. She's been a church member about a year now, after an invite from a friend brought her the Lloyd church.
"We support the ministries of the church," adds Betty Frizzell, a two-year church member.
"We're mostly older church women who like to do things with our hands," says Marilyn Edwards, a founding member of the church. "We just want to keep busy," she concludes.
Their skills vary. One may crochet while another may knit or quilt. Some of the ladies are into making beautiful cards, and then there's one or two who enjoy making use of the group sewing machine to stitch lap quilts and baby blankets.
The skills and creative styles within the group of ladies varies; some are interested in following patterns and instructions, while others prefer to freelance their creative pursuits.
Whatever the project, it is recycled into something useful and very much appreciated. The group has made curtains for the Sunday School classrooms, beautiful gifts and walker bags for the retirement home folks, and even baby shower gifts and blankets for the Women's Pregnancy Center. They've stitched "magic" pillowcases and made cross necklaces for the Lighthouse Children's Home girls.
On Thursday, Aug. 29, the ladies were making jump ropes using t-shirts cut into circles and stretched to the limit; then braided into a finished project for their Christmas Child Shoebox Ministry.
Most of what they are crafting now will be for the shoeboxes. Along with the jump ropes, there will be sewing kits and beaded jewelry, backpacks and personal items, all crafted with love from these Crafty Ladies. All the items will be useful and fun for the children receiving the shoeboxes.
Now and then, the ladies will have a show-and-tell meeting. They will bring in a personal project, completed or in the works, to share with each other.
They credit member Linda Ellis for coming up with some excellent ideas. Though they do exchange ideas and teach and learn from each other. All the supplies used are donated to the church for the group to use as they will.
These Crafty Ladies also prepare a meal once a month before the Wednesday Evening Worship Service.
For more information about this ministry and other ministries and programs of the Lloyd First Baptist Church, contact church secretary Paulette at (850) 997-5309 or Pastor Jered Day at (850) 509-8920.
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