Ashley Hunter, ECB Publishing, Inc.
Is your school classroom, Sunday school or civic group looking for a community project?
Throughout the year, the Jefferson County Farm Bureau office is collecting pop tabs. You can find the aluminum tabs on canned drinks, canned fruits or vegetables as well as canned pet foods.
The little pieces of metal are part of a bigger picture: at the end of the year, the Farm Bureau office will donate the tabs to the Tallahassee Ronald McDonald House.
The Ronald McDonald House is a charitable organization that has made it their mission to create or support programs to help the health and well-being of children and families.
The Tallahassee house has been open for over 30 years as a home away from home, where parents and families can stay with their children are undergoing medical treatments.
The house has enough room for eight families per night, and depends heavily on community aid through donations, fundraisers and volunteers.
One of the simplest ways to help the Ronald McDonald House is through the collection of pop tabs.
At the end of the year, the tabs are collected and taken to a recycling center, where the Ronald McDonald House is given monetary compensation to help pay for the house's utilities.
All of the collected tabs will go to the Tallahassee Ronald McDonald house.
While this pop-tab-initiative is a good way to support a charitable organization, it's also a way to help support your local environment.
The more pop tab collected and turned in, means that many more pop tabs will not end up as litter, trash or environmental contaminant.
In Jefferson County, the local Farm Bureau office is the best place to drop off your collected pop tabs.
The office is located at 105 W. Anderson Street (right off of S. Jefferson Street), and is open Monday through Friday, from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m.
In the words of the Ronald McDonald organization:
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