Debbie Snapp
ECB Publishing, Inc.
The Triple L senior group, hosted by the Monticello First Baptist Church, began a new year on Tuesday morning, July 27, with 30+ attending. Vice-President Maggie Shofner welcomed those attending, and Church Pastor Sean Vickers offered a prayer to begin the meeting. Spiritual Enrichment Leader Gail Jones share a delightful story about a whale and a penguin. Shofner led the group in songs, with Sissy Kilpatrick on piano. Birthdays and new members and guests were recognized. A word of prayer for those on the prayer list was followed with a time of caring and sharing good news and updates since the group last met... before the COVID-19 pandemic closed everything down for a time. A luncheon buffet of favorite dishes brought in by the members was enjoyed by all. Fred Shofner brought and provided the fried chicken. All are welcomed to attend the meetings. You do not have to be a member of the First Baptist Church to participate in this morning of sharing and Christian fellowship.
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