Debbie Snapp
Triple L (Living Long & Lovin' it!) is a senior group sponsored by the Monticello First Baptist Church (MFBC.) The members came together in February for a meeting, lunch and a time of sharing.
After an opening prayer by Church Pastor Sean Vickers, and the pledges to the American Flag, Christian Flag and Bible, Spiritual Enrichment Advisor Gail Jones introduced Sue Getch to offer the Devotional.
Pictures from trips and gatherings of the group 10 and 20 years ago were passed around and shared before lunch. The old photos and news articles were donated to the LLL members from longtime member Vivian Miles.
One of the pictures was of the 39th President Jimmy Carter and First Lady Carter, taken during a trip to Plaines, Ga. The members had also toured his hometown and especially the historical sites. Very few of the members then are able to attend the monthly meetings now.
Birthday members were recognized and celebrated with song; and prayers for those ill and not in attendance were given.
Spiritual music entertainment followed with guests Linda Sue Bradley singing, Barbara Hengstebeck playing guitar and ukulele, Pat Hengstebeck on washboard and spoons; and all three offering laughs while sharing a medley of songs. The group was invited to join in song and sharing.
LLL meets at 10:30 a.m. on the 4th Tuesday of each month in the MFBC fellowship hall, for a time of fellowship and lunch. All are welcome to attend and, you do not have to be a member of the church to participate in this morning of sharing and Christian fellowship.
The next meeting of LLL is scheduled for Tuesday, Mar. 28. Contact Acting President Maggie Shofner at (850) 997-2442 for more information.
The group also gathered on Thursday, March 16, at the Fusion Buffet restaurant in Perry for lunch and good Christian fellowship.