Jefferson County citizens have witnessed true leadership in the fight against the proposed toll road and that person is Jefferson County Clerk and Comptroller, Kirk Reams. When the voters of Jefferson County wanted information about the toll road, it didn’t come from our current Task Force designee, but rather it came from Mr. Reams.
Now we see his leadership again. Mr. Reams has placed on the agenda a resolution for consideration at the next County Commission meeting, where the document is asking the Florida Legislature to consider removing Jefferson County as the terminus for the Suncoast Connector.
This resolution was specifically requested by our Legislative Delegation, Senator Montford and Representative Shoaf during the legislative delegation meeting held October 2, 2019.
The Commission appointed designee to the Task Force is currently, Chair Barfield, who has missed the opportunity multiple times to interact with constituents and listen to their concerns. We are at a critical point in the toll road planning process. Jefferson County cannot afford to send mixed messages to decision makers. Chair Barfield’s thinly veiled support of the toll road is in direct conflict with the overwhelming majority of Jefferson County residents. If Chair Barfield cannot or will not represent the Citizen’s of Jefferson County, she needs to remove herself as the designee.
So, thank you Clerk Reams. It is refreshing to see an elected leader listen, then act, on the will of the voters!
Doug Darling, President
Citizens for Responsible Government
of Jefferson County