October 26, 1938
Mr. and Mrs. Rutherford Shuman moved into their new home on N. Jefferson, the recently purchased Stephens duplex.
October 26, 1948
Jefferson County has 46 students enrolled at Florida State University.
October 26, 1958
William Anderson has been named president of the county Farm Bureau.
Charles Anderson was admitted to the Florida Bar. The swearing-in ceremony will be held in November.
October 26, 1968
The second annual Harvest Moon Ball at Jefferson Country Club took place at the club house.October 26, 1978
Gary Wright, president of the FMB, was elected to succeed Sam Scott as President of the Chamber of Commerce at the annual banquet held Thursday night at the Jefferson Country Club.
Bill Bassett assumed the office of president of the Monticello Kiwanis Club earlier this month, succeeding past president, Dr. Mike Carney.
A resolution honoring the late Genevieve Sauls was unanimously adopted by the County Commission at last Wednesday’s meeting.
October 26, 1988
Joe and Jean Subers, local cattle ranchers, have given up the traditional market and are becoming the first ranchers in the state to raise deer. Subers says “Venison will become a mass market in the future.”
Allen Rigdon, son of Elvin Rigdon of Monticello, has been specifically identified for early promotion ot senior airman in the U.S. Air Force.
Gary Webber, Jr. of Jacksonville recently was selected as a new member of the Outstanding High School Students of America for his merit and accomplishment. He is the grandson of Glynn Webber of Monticello.
October 26, 1998
Mary Kate Swann won four first place awards for vault, bars, beam and floor at the recent gymnastic competition in Macon, GA.
Members of Girl Scout Troop 76 recently visited the Florida State University campus.
County Artist Suzanna Winton was one of the judges at the North Florida Community College 40th Anniversary “Art on the Lawn” Festival and Alumni Art Show, both held recently.
October 26, 2008
Ron Cave was recently elected Chairman of the Jefferson County Refuge House/Domestic Violence Task Force.
The Jefferson County High School Class of 1958 held its 50th reunion at the American Legion Hall. Betty Lou Oglesby coordinated arrangements for the occasion, with Class President Winston Connell as the Master of Ceremonies.
Golden Acres Ranch and Monticello Vineyards and Winery in Jefferson County are two of nine farms being featured on the 2008 Farm Tour.