I read with amazement and disgust at the article in last Friday’s Jefferson County Journal entitled “Who Should Pay?”
The fact that the City of Monticello’s sewer system had failed and someone’s house was contaminated/flooded with pure sewage is a huge problem; however, the fact that the City of Monticello does not want to pay for the damages is purely irresponsible, immoral, thoughtless and shocking.
I understand the electricity had gone out but where was the City’s generator? Had no adult on the Council, or in City Hall, or in the sewage department not ever even thought about the possibility of ever needing a generator? I wonder if these same adults have a generator at their houses or businesses, for hurricane season.
For those council members, and attorney, to say, “Ooops. Well, we’ve learned our lesson now,” and not to pay for that young family’s tragic expenses is beyond comprehension.
What happens the next time the sewage backs up; or the next time; or the next time? Is this family expected to pay for the City’s mistakes for the rest of their lives?
I wonder if the vote would have been different if the house in question had been one of the council member’s house or another elected official’s house, of this town?
Donna Johnson