Debbie Snapp, ECB Publishing, Inc.
The Monticello Woman’s Club (MWC) is having a membership drive and invites all the local ladies to consider joining for a fun-filled year of activities planned by the newly elected officers and members.
The mission of the MWC is community-oriented. Members raise funds and redistribute those funds to different community organizations and to individual community needs. Some of those needs include: NFCC Scholarship, for county resident students only; books to children, from Pre-K and up; sending a child to 4-H Cherry Lake Camp; Refuge House, towards its abused spouse program; Jefferson County Humane Society, Wolf Creek Pet Adoption Center and Wag the Dog Thrift Shop; gift bags to the elderly for the holidays; A Doctor’s Heart, donating medical supplies and clothing; and Christmas bicycles for area children, a program honoring the late Sheriff David Hobbs.
MWC members also participate in local festivities and events including: the annual County Watermelon Festival Luncheon & Fashion Show, Main Street Monticello Florida events, Downtown Halloween and Christmas events, Tour of Homes and other activities requested throughout the year.
The club promotes education through literature and encourages awareness through its guest speakers at monthly lunch meetings.
A historical library defining the past 100 years of the Monticello Woman’s Club Activities is maintained within the Clubhouse.
The historic Woman’s Clubhouse, located at 975 East Dogwood Street, is available to rent and can accommodate receptions, showers, reunions and the like. Anyone interested in rental information can contact any officer for availability and scheduling.
If you are interested in becoming a member, or if you have questions, contact Dianne Braren at (850) 264-6533, Jennifer King at (850) 443-9887 or Deborah D’Attile at (954) 325-7308.