Mr. Beger’s rants in his letters would be more helpful if he quoted facts, if he denoted the source of his “information,” and if he even made good sense. I am sorry,…
Category: Letters to the Editor
Joe Biden vs Martin Luther King Jr.
With the passing of Justice Ginsburg of the U.S. Supreme Court, a conversation is taking place about her replacement. Mr. Biden has said he would replace her with a black female. Let’s…
Right and Wrong (part 3)
ANTIFA’s primary focus is to create chaos. These people are killing black people and burning down their businesses and homes. At the Democratic Convention they said the pledge of allegiance and intentionally removed the…
Gun Control
A Democrat for which I’d vote for President, former Montana Governor Brian Schweitzer, when asked about gun control said “You control yours, and I’ll control mine.” Gov. Schweitzer of course is not…
Jefferson Diaper Brigade
The Jefferson Diaper Brigade distributed its first diapers in November 2016 and in four years has supplied 140,000 diapers to Jefferson County families in need. We are concluding this ministry due to…
Misleading data makes for fear, not freedom
When doing a data analysis, your analysis is only as good as the data you receive. A common phrase is garbage in, garbage out. The COVID-19 “crisis” is an excellent example of…
Time to start cutting costs on trash collection sites
The Jefferson County Collection Facility needs to begin thinking outside of the box. Residents were requested to have stickers for their vehicles so the users could be monitored at the collection sites….
A pivotal election is coming on November 3rd, 2020
There will probably never again be such a glaring difference between presidential candidates, than in this coming election. In one corner is Donald J. Trump the champion of private sector job creation…
Vote smart America!!!
In Cuba, our phone conversations were monitored, as was our mail correspondence; both incoming and outgoing was opened and read. We also had to be careful of what we said in public,…
Right and wrong
The definition of observation is “a remark, statement, or comment based on something one has seen, heard, or noticed.” “Woe unto them that call evil good, and good evil; that put…
Why we must continue to fund and support the police
In modern America, it’s become acceptable to go with the flow of defunding the police. Doing so is biased, illogical, and most importantly has dire consequences. I’ll note up front that as…
Technology Meets Hospice Care
At Big Bend Hospice (BBH) we believe it is critical to focus on safety while doing our part to help reduce the spread of COVID-19. Hospice Care in the time of COVID-19…
Shriek of the Anarchist
Everything must go Declares the anarchist logo In the store front looking glass A hypocrite’s fantasy As looters reap the riots wreckage To destroy what you desire only then to pilfer Despising…
The meaning of Confederate Memorials
Confederate memorials may have unintended meaning to some while others feel deeply attached to them. They remind me of my grandmother. A gracious and loving Christian woman born in a small town…
CDBG- The “Gift” that continues to take
This letter deals with government involvement in the housing sector. The federal government oversees the Community Development Block Grant or CDBG program, a part of which is used by local governments to…
Open letter to the Governor
Governor DeSantis Executive Office of Governor 400 S Monroe St Tallahassee, FL 32399 (850) 488-7146 Dear Governor DeSantis, I have lived in Florida since 1962. My Dad (a pilot for *Eastern Airlines…
I’m confused
I can’t keep up. I just can’t. I’m exhausted trying to figure out what we’re all supposed to do, believe, and be offended and outraged by next. Two months ago, First Responders…
The Moral Decline of These United States: No Film at 11
Do black lives matter? They do to the God that created them. To the media and too many in the black community, they do not. Recently my pastor spoke and he said…
Appreciating the good
With COVID 19 deaths in the USA approaching 100,000 media is reporting every angle 24/7 and political pundits are pulling hard one way and then the other. The dilemma is to stay…
Looking at the bigger picture
I’d like to begin today by sending my prayers to all Floridians , that we have a healthy and speedy recovery from this foreign virus that has so greatly affected all of…