****’Harvey’ a stage play by Mary Chase will continue to run at the Monticello Opera House Friday and Saturday, April 13 and 14 at 8 p.m. Doors open at 6:30 p.m. for…
“Close Local” with North Florida Abstract and Title
Ashley Hunter, ECB Publishing, Inc. Homes are big investments. “Protect your investment and buy Owners Title Insurance,” is a message of Leslie Wilkinson, new owner of North Florida Abstract and Title (NFAAT)….
Dana L. Haynes
Dana L. Haynes of Monticello, Fl. passed away suddenly on April 9, 2018. Dana was born in Moulton, AL on October 27, 1951 to Robert and Christine Haynes. He retired from the…
Pedro Vargas Gomez, 32, of Monticello, FL; arrested Saturday, March 31; charged with no valid driver’s license. Bond set at $100. Released same day. William Kendrick Huggins, 25, of Monticello, FL; arrested…
Thank you
I would like to issue a huge THANK YOU to: First United Methodist Church, Capital Heights Baptist Church, First Baptist Church, Elizabeth Baptist Church, Hiram Lodge #5, Kiwanis Club, and Waukeenah Methodist…
Alcohol can be served on sidewalks
Lazaro Aleman, ECB Publishing, Inc. The City of Monticello now has an ordinance permitting the serving of alcoholic beverages on the sidewalk. The Monticello City Council unanimously approved Ordinance 2018-06 on Tuesday…
Car vs. Semi
Lazaro Aleman, ECB Publishing, Inc. A Tallahassee man suffered serious injuries on the interstate during the weekend in an alcohol related accident. The Florida Highway Patrol (FHP) reports that 33-year-old Jacob Robert…
Two Tigers sign scholarships
Ashley Hunter, ECB Publishing, Inc. On Tuesday, April 3, the gym at Jefferson Somerset was full of students, teachers, coaches and family members as Jayshawn Francis and Alondre Smith, two student athletes…
Frances Black
Frances Black, former resident of Monticello, died March 23, 2018 on her 94th birthday at Suncoast Hospice in Palm Harbor, FL. She resided in Monticello from 1982 and moved to the Tampa…
Students win bicycles for perfect attendance
Story Submitted Jefferson Somerset administrators are giving away bicycles to students with perfect attendance! So far this year, 10 bicycles have been given away. Most of the grades have consistently stayed above…
Liford Custom Calls by GH Liford
Debbie Snapp, ECB Publishing Inc. Gene Henry (GH) Liford is a young man with many fine talents, including handmaking turkey ‘calls’, and he’s been getting a lot of attention lately by winning…
Antique Tractor and Engine Show This Weekend
Emerald Greene Parsons ECB Publishing, Inc. The Stephen Foster’s 30th annual Antique Tractor and Engine Show will be held this weekend, April 5-7, at the Stephen Foster Folk Culture Center State Park….
Pasture walk and talk on April 10
Ashley Hunter, ECB Publishing, Inc. A Pasture Walk and Talk will be held on Tuesday, April 10 at 5:30 p.m. The informal and interactive walk will provide educational topics by two specialist…
Future of abandoned houses
City tackles demolition by neglect Lazaro Aleman, ECB Publishing, Inc. The Monticello City Council on Tuesday evening, April 3, was scheduled to take up draft language that aims to encourage owners of…
Fundraiser kickoff begins
Ashley Hunter, ECB Publishing, Inc. It’s a full weekend of fundraisers ahead! In honor of Sheriff David Hobbs, who was a stout supporter of the Jefferson Senior Citizens Center, three days of…
Kicking Butts at Jefferson Somerset
Ashley Hunter, ECB Publishing, Inc. Kick Butts Day is a national day of activism, sponsored by the Campaign for Tobacco-Free Kids. The day encourages youth to reject the tobacco industry’s deceptive marketing…
Howard Academy Educational Recreational Council to hold Essay Contest
Debbie Snapp, ECB Publishing Inc. The Howard Academy Educational Recreational Council (HAERC) is sponsoring two essay contests: *Essay Contest Grades 1-6 and *Essay Contest Grades 7-12 are to be written about this…
Sports Spotlight
Detrevian Nealy Ashley Hunter, ECB Publishing, Inc. Detrevian Nealy, 17 and in 10th grade, is one of the young men on the Jefferson Somerset Tigers’ Track and Field team. This is Nealy’s…
Edith Davis Holton
Edith Davis Holton, age 96, of Tallahassee, died March 18, 2018 at Beaufort Memorial Hospital in Beaufort, SC. She was a native of Tallahassee, a homemaker and a member of Philadelphia P.B….
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